Characteristics of a didgeridoo
how does a didgeridoo work? what are the different characteristics of a didgeridoo?
What must be understood in the design of a didgeridoo is that everything is a matter of compromise between several criteria, there are therefore things which will be technically impossible: where the physics of the instrument offers its limits. One of the player's responsibilities is therefore to know his subject well so as not to seek or ask for the impossible but to find the balance among these criteria, and this is one of the goals of the didgmaker: to find this balance that the player is looking for. This is the big difference between making your instrument yourself and going through a competent professional, it is also the big difference between “just a hollowed-out piece of wood” and an instrument designed and designed for music. There are a large number of adjectives to describe a didg's playability or sound qualities. These terms are subjective and may have different names.
The note or range | ![]() |
The character of a didgeridoo | ![]() |
The terms used | ![]() |
Ask yourself the right questions | ![]() |
Cultural authenticity | ![]() |

French/English note conversion table: | Rating scale: |
![]() |
Very slow: A, Bb, B
Slow: C, C#, Medium Slow: C#, D Medium: Eb, E Medium Fast: F, F# Fast: F#, G Very fast: G#,A |
- Most people who play slowly and like a meditative tune, play on low notes from A (A) to D (D).
- Players who like versatility and rhythm quickly tend to prefer the middle notes of D(D) to F(F)
- Players who like speed games with volume often go for notes from F(Fa) to G(G).
Choose the frequency of your didgeridoo? Please note that all didgeridoos are measured with a chromatic tuner at 440Hz. In rare cases the didgeridoo can be tuned to 432Hz, at which point I specify in the description. 432Hz or 440Hz? The overall sonic difference is noticeable, the 432Hz version sounds warmer, clearer and seems to be instantly more listenable, but the 440Hz version is tighter with more dynamic energy. Almost all Western music is currently tuned with A at 440 Hz. This means that all musical instruments, tuning forks, and musical creation programs are tuned to this frequency.

Less than 2: very low pressure - didgeridoo with a resonant and soft sound, ideal for harmonics, meditative playing and wobbles.
Between 2 and 2.50: low pressure - didgeridoo with a certain roundness, often a good compromise between rhythm and meditative.
Between 2.5 and 3: high pressure - didgeridoo with dynamic sound, recommended for fast rhythms, tongue attacks and over/under vibration.
More than 3: very high pressure - didgeridoo with very pulsating sound, almost exclusive for games focused on tongue attacks, over/under vibration and hoarse voices.
3) Terms used in the didgeridoo: (non-exhaustive list)
Harmonics: A harmonic is an integral component of a musical sound. Any instrument emits at the same time as the base note other higher notes, the harmonics. They are what make the sound rich. It is a frequency multiple of the fundamental frequency. In the case of the didgeridoo, we can select certain harmonics by changing the interior shape of the mouth, for example by making OU-I.
- High-pitched cries : Often a didgeridoo which will have a wide air column will have high-pitched cries well detached from the drone and easy to release. Same thing for its note, the lower the note, the more likely the screams will go through easily.
- Scraping or hoarseness of the deep voice: The aborigines use scraping a lot, in any case the deep voice and the yidakis are perfectly designed for this.
4) Ask yourself the right questions:
All these characteristics are specific to the didgeridoo. Now it is important to consider your own playing style, and ask yourself the right questions:
- What style do you play?
- Is your playing subtle, focusing on the mouth and sounds formed by harmonics?
- Do you play fast rhythms or a more meditative tune?
- Will the didge be used acoustically or amplified or for busking?
- Will the didge be used with other instruments? What style of music?
- If you play a lot with rhythm, do the variations come mainly from your breathing? Mouth shape? diaphragm/rebound? Language? Throat? Elsewhere?
- What kinds of screams would you like to make? Dry? Songs? animal noises?
- Do you like to have a good physical session with your didg or do you prefer a didge that requires very little energy to play?
5) Cultural authenticity:
Today we have a big problem with lies surrounding the didgeridoo. Many didges are sold around the world as authentic Australian didgeridoos made by Aboriginal people when they are not. There are a lot of “fake” didgeridoos. Some are even made in Asia, drilled with a drill, with cheap labor. Most bamboo, teak and jackfruit didgeridoos are pale copies and unethically painted. They have no soul, no sound... The question is therefore how to know if a didgeridoo is authentic? Please note that the Authentic Didgeridoo traditionally made by the Aborigines originates from northern Australia. For a simple reason, it is only in the North that you will find termite mounds. Before any purchase, ask the seller for details on the history of the didgeridoo, how and why it is used, the name of the Aboriginal or the tribe who made the instrument or even what its cultural significance is. You will quickly notice whether the seller knows anything about it or not. If you are told that the instrument is made in India, unfortunately this is a counterfeit. This is not to say that the didgeridoo in question is necessarily bad, just that it is not an authentic Australian didgeridoo. A good seller will have no trouble giving you all this information, because the 'legal' sales circuit is now well in place.
I want to help and I am helping traditional owners to be recognized and respected. I therefore recommend the Yidakis and Mago. As such I hope that everyone and everyone interested in the didgeridoo will one day end up purchasing authentic items from these artisans. I hope they learn to identify and avoid the counterfeits and cheap tourist "trash" commonly available around the world. Otherwise, I think there is a place for all styles and types of didgeridoos as long as they are not portrayed as something they are not!
I invite you to visit Yidakiwuy Dhawu , the “bible” on Yidaki and Yolngu culture.