Podcast | Series on Australian Aborigines

It is with pleasure that I share with you the podcasts on Aboriginal culture recorded in partnership with Gauthier Aubé from Wakademy.


The idea is to explore the major themes (in 10 episodes) of this multi-millennial culture so that we know a little more about those who allowed the didgeridoo to cross the ages.

  • You can listen to Episode 1 : “Presentation of Australia before the arrival of the settlers” here:

  • You can listen to Episode 2 : “Dreamtime, Aboriginal mythology.” here :

  • You can listen to Episode 3 : “The Dark History of Australian Colonization.” here :

  • You can listen to Episode 4 : “The didgeridoo and its place in traditional Australian Aboriginal communities” here:

  • You can listen to Episode 5 : “Introduction to the two main styles of traditional Australian Aboriginal play” here:

  • You can listen to Episode 6 : “The mago, an instrument played in western Arnhem Lands” here:

  • You can listen to Episode 7 : “On the Path to Yidaki, Part One (7/10)” here:

  • You can listen to Episode 8 : “On the Path to Yidaki, Part Two (8/10)” here:

  • You can listen to Episode 9 : “7 Western players who are inspired by the traditional game (9/10)” here:

  • You can listen to Episode 10 : “Advice (wise!) for those who would like to meet the Aboriginal people of Australia (10/10)” here: